Freeing the goal of the limitations of negativity by thinking and managing (English)

What we are living, what is going on us, what we are going through, what we are trying to achieve, what we are looking for, despite everything we went through and endured for it to reach it, is it worth stopping at that, for a moment you judge yourself with frustration and revolve around it, to forget yourself  Under those circumstances, you go as blind, but do you allow your weakness and frustration to be exposed, do you accept for yourself to hear the words that are not appropriate to you, so the arrangement of the shelves will not be allowed to fall, and you will not allow them to destroy your dreams and hopes, let yourself  It is right for you to be kind to it, you will not protect you caves anymore, because it wants you to start crawling, to get rid of this weakness, the matter is in your hand, you are the one who rubs  M, you are changing, do not stop at anything and say that I will not complete because I took my sufficiency and are satisfied with the injustice and evil of this life, do not depend on something steadfast, then one has to provide himself with proof, that his determination and determination is not compared to machines, so trust in oneself,  He denies every weakness and puts him to death, because hope and ambition are coming, so make everything that frustrates you in hibernation, anger and haste to judge yourself and then others, and thus you lose yourself and continue to reprimand and sigh, blame oneself, anxiety, fear  Until it reaches the self-loathing, this has a great effect on the psyche, and thus you get tired and this is reflected negatively on the body because they are related to each other, so the human being  He has what distinguishes him from the rest of the beings. He has a well thought-out, thoughtful, upbeat mind. Work by the forelock and contemplation. Make a decision to give yourself the right without being reluctant.  Let alone recklessness, work with reason and develop, analyze and think, think and plan before you decide.  Life is not that difficult, just thinking and thinking about making it easy.  Each of us has our own fears, pains, experiences, and what has gone through, so it is not easy, but with thinking and simplification you find that you can skip all of this, and reduce time and distances in order to achieve what you want, that is, your frustration and negativity are just a hindrance to that, and  By preceding events, thinking rationally, and analyzing things, you find that it is simple and only a little thinking to renew your enthusiasm and build on it and complete what started, each of us taking other things, such as forming pointless relationships, or trying to clarify a concept for a person who does not want to accept it in advance,  Or trying to complete a wonderful relationship and continue with it, but the negativity of that is reflected in the other matters, it is reflected in what he wants to do.  This is due to the fact that it is affected by secondary negativity, or when you lose someone precious to you and give you a lot, or he abandons you, at that moment encourages you to be meaningless denial, to the point that you do not want to continue, and stop where you left  The latter, you continue to stand and generalize and do not wait for anyone, but there is a hand that will grab you from your cold palm, take you to where you left off and precede you by the events of that and let you go back to your senses and retrieve what you are entrusted with, and if not, let it count  On yourself because you did not depend on anyone before, but you just feel that if someone finds that I will never let him go and there will be no barrier or obstacle from  Among these secondary matters, I will not let her generalize that negativity about the goal and aspiration that we aspire to.  On the other hand, when you feel the need for a person, and that you desperately need him at that moment so that you are alone and reflect that unity on you, even though you are with people, your mind deludes you that you are alone and you never feel their presence, as if you are drugged and awake in  At the same time so that you see what is in front of you darkness, and that no one is there, you are only alone, and you imagine and see what is coming, and you are plunged into a nightmare of awakening or thinking, and you see what will happen as if you are predicting what will happen to you in the future, so that you see yourself alone  No one is there, except that you sit in the place and start to suffocate and cry, you are in urgent need of that person even though he is present but he is not, even though he relies  M is with you but he is not present, so delude yourself with that and improve, but for how long is this, will you remain dependent on that person and build on him, will you still wait for him every time and during that you suffer from mental disorders, will you stay this way and forget yourself  , Where are you ?  That way you only trust that the latter will be with you, but it is not so, turn a little to yourself, give her the right, trust her, complete as you started, because you did not start and did not build it for someone or with anyone, his intention and started it alone  Do not be associated with negative thoughts that blind your insight to what is most important. Rely on yourself, not others. Rely on yourself. You are you. Where are you from all this?  Here begins the work of the mastermind, analyze and think, answer this question and from the limitations of this liberation, complete your streak as you started, extend as simple as it is, continue and complete, achieve and do not dream, be obligatory and not assertive, give yourself the right and do not accuse and not  Fancy, you decide



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