Exploiting innocence to cover disgruntled mediocrity

Often and many times we find a lot of cases left by society as a reason for its corruption, which was overwhelmed by many groups of people, and when collected, we find that it shares the same principles and that the difference is only in how it is built, of course, you will say and ask what is  These cases?  How do these groups of people relate to these situations?  The answer begins with one of these cases, and we cannot call it a case according to it, because it is the cause of many cases that follow it over time, child labor, forcing children to do hard work and work that exceeds their ability and age, such as trading in selling scrap and vegetables or  Carrying weights and helping to pull carts and other things worse, all this in a period that will allow the child to achieve greater opportunities, and do not forget the transactions of these groups of people for them, and our answer comes about these groups, they are people whose hearts are hard and rigid because of their interest in the mortal matter, because  Seeing the world seeing work, earning, and spending in order to live in prosperity, they combine pain  They put them on top of each other in gold, silver and diamonds, they see the conditions of poverty, deprivation and orphaning that they are among the pests of society that harm the country's economy and distort urbanism and buildings, from this the exploitation of the innocence of children begins to generate hatred and grudge, and we do not forget the reason for all this  The blame rests with the guardians, so the origin of this hatred is due to the mistake of the fathers, where they ignore the Alps, they leave the most important and go to the important, they ignore and despise learning and education, and their slogan for life is only work, they waste the opportunity of learning for their children to secure the future, and build a goal to live  Their lives, so they resort to employing their children with hard labor and work,  They devote their energy while they are in a period of growth, and they need it in building their bodies, lack of food, and providing proteins to complete their growth and balance, weak immunity due to lack of medicines and antibiotics, they are more vulnerable to diseases and epidemics, which results in weak immunity and defect  In its acquisition, this is one of the apparent and physical effects of hard work on children, not only that, but it affects their psyche and build their personality in a sensitive period that needs care, guidance and awareness mainly, so the child lacks these primates, and his psyche becomes tired of what he is exposed to from  Injustice, discrimination, transgression, and coercion to do things that he cannot do and pressure  E, as it is generated by that hatred and hatred. Growing on a grudge and a desire for revenge against those who harmed him, so he necessarily resorted to using other methods that spoil his innocence and make him a victim of a corrupt society. It also affects the building of his personality, so he is not sure of himself and always puts the place of comparison between all classes.  He hates himself and goes back to blame on her, and his life becomes a void that he walks endlessly and builds his personality on a vacuum and from nothingness to join the outskirts of society as well, the reason for this is not limited to parents only, but to the community and the people who are composed of them entered this and they have the preference to cause loss and fade innocence  Childhood and its goal so that people think and understandable  Important as we mentioned earlier because discrimination, preference, granulation, and coercion are an unavoidable trait, so the concepts of most people remain related to these things so that they give their opinion on the child without taking into account what he went through and how he went through it only depends on the naked eye in analyzing this and the situation, no  Rather, they do not allow the field to be analyzed in the first place or to diagnose the situation, they only rely on a false basis to build their opinion, and therefore they view them with contempt and as a scourge of society and rely mostly on violence, reprimand and useless talk, and they do not know that the causes of the money  That they will pay later as a ransom to save their child from being kidnapped and cursing  By his death and bankruptcy together, it is because of them that they reaped the transactions they planted, they are those who dispelled that innocence and made it grow in the cruelty and injustice of society so they reap the benefits of their tongues and their actions, the child has simple desires, looking for tenderness, warmth, family, stability  Safety, comfort, play, eating, learning, getting to know and understand the world in a correct way, guidance, awareness, someone who teaches and guides, making friends and getting to know people, all of these are available in any family and any family, all are available in any society  All of them are available and enjoyed by any child, but, unfortunately, not all children, so when you work hard and prevent your children from practicing  Their childhood, when you prevent them from learning and forming a future in which you could not taste the sweetness of life without it, when you endure the bitterness of life, and the sweetness before you in your children, why do you not be patient and support childhood and maintain this innocence, this innocence has rights over you, what do you expect from them  You took simple rights from them, and you expect duties from them. This is an injustice and an infringement of the right that states that every person has the right to live. By this you rob their livelihood, and then you blame society for its corruption, and you claim that you have no hand in it, in fact, for you  All the income in this corruption, because it was you who made it, the change starts from the parents  Society, however, if this does not change, the child must start the change from himself and try to provide hope that he has always accompanied and depends on himself in achieving it, so the employment of children remains an obstacle in the face of that, so the first step begins with changing the concept and then the soul and then the individual and then  Society, so parents must be aware and think about the future because it is self-evident, and it is clear, that if you operate and force your child, it will not be related to anything but ruin and destruction of his future, the matter does not depend on the parents, according to, there are those who take the homeless children on the basis that they  Provide them with what any family provides, and so that they are in such a good and generous form in the eyes of a  For people by raising a child Ibn Street, but the bitter truth is that they exploit them in a lot of things, and many of you have many reasons and circumstances that harness the excess production of problems on the shoulders of children, because society suffers and leaves many problems, despite the presence of the reformers  Those who call for reform and improvement are also met by the advocates of corruption and devastation, and those who spoil and they do not know. So, no matter how many child care centers and whatever aid needs, they are limited only to a few of these cases because it is still and still is still suffering from poverty and deprivation  So the bitterness of living forced them to employ their children,  So that the idea would come up from the children themselves, in the desire not to lose or lose their parents to go out and work in a harsh environment that does not have mercy on the weak, so each individual of this society must appear, even if some humanity and sympathize with situations that are not described by words and their help because we did not find  Except to help some of us, we did not ask you to have pity or regret this situation and be affected by it, if you can extend your hand to these small hands, do not skimp in this, and if you can try to change this misconception that is the basis of society’s corruption, and spread awareness, mean what you can  Because you will not regret it as you live, but the problem remains that there are those who respond and there are those who listen  He just doesn’t think about the number of nights in which you can rest reliably. There are those who suffer, cry and bemoan, just mean what you can, all we can do is request and call, but the obstacle and the problem remain in the circle of society so we ask for change, they changed ideas  And misconceptions based on vanity and arrogance, because change begins with the individual and the society



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